Payment Schedule

Payment Methods

Parents can pay for Charges and Contributions and Excursions online.

Full payment by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or credit card (in person or by phone).

Payments by instalments by Centrepay or Direct Debit. Please fill out the forms below.

Direct Credit to our account listed below:

BSB: 066 040
Account: 19901877
Please reference student name and year

Charges and Contributions
For online payment of Charges relating to school charges, voluntary approved requests, year book or voluntary contributions.
Pay Now
Excursions, Activities and Camps
For online payment of charges in relation to both excursions and incursions, including school ball or other external activities.
Pay Now

Compulsory Charges and Voluntary Contributions 

In December each year parents will be posted a Voluntary Contributions and Charges Statement for each enrolled student.

In accordance with the Department of Education Policy we request:

  • A minimum of 50% of the compulsory charges must be paid prior to the first day of the new school year, with any balance to be paid by the end of Term 1.

Failure to make payment of, or to make arrangements to pay the minimum 50% of the compulsory charges prior to the first day of the school year, may result in your student being changed into elective subjects which do not attract compulsory charges.

  • Voluntary Contributions are to be paid before the end of Term 1.
  • For enrolments after the school year has commenced, a Statement will be posted and payment is requested within 14 days.

Failure to make payment of, or to make arrangements to pay the minimum 50% of the compulsory charges prior to the first day of the school year, may result in your student being changed into elective subjects which do not attract compulsory charges.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the Manager Corporate Services on (08) 9294 6100 to make alternative payment arrangements.

Centrepay Form
Direct Debit Form