Curriculum / Programs
- ASDAN Modules
- ASDAN is an activity based program endorsed by SCSA. It offers a wide range of topics across student abilities with a focus on life-skill contexts. Student learning and achievement is documented through the development of a portfolio of evidence including photographs, worksheets, videos and staff observations.
- Community Access
Community Access builds students’ independence while learning and demonstrating responsible participation in the environment external to the home. It encompasses the travel to and from a variety of locations to allow students to experience and explore different environments and to practise and develop appropriate social behaviours, experiences and tasks safely within the community.
- Literacy Programs
Direct Instruction (Spelling Mastery)
- Spelling Mastery teaches spelling through strategies, patterns and rules. The straightforward lessons in Spelling Mastery combine phonemic, morphemic, and whole-word instruction to make spelling easier to learn, leading the way to more effective writing.
MacqLit Programs (explicit and systematic reading intervention program)
- MacqLit is delivered to small groups. The program teaches the students how to read and spell words using appropriate decoding strategies, which also helps to improve comprehension.
Preliminary Units for upper school students
The English Preliminary course recognises that language plays a central role in human life: it provides a vehicle for communication and independence. An understanding of language and the ability to use it effectively empowers students. It gives them access to knowledge, enables them to play an active part in society and contributes to their personal growth.
- Numeracy
Clarke Road Money Program
School developed programs
Preliminary Units for upper school students
The Mathematics Preliminary course focuses on the practical application of knowledge, skills and understandings to a range of environments that can be accessed by students with special education needs. Grades are not assigned for these units
- Independent Living
- Health Programs:
Protective Behaviours Program
- Protective Behaviours is a practical approach to personal safety. It encourages self-empowerment and brings with it the skills to raise self-esteem and to help students avoid being victimised.
‘You Can Do It’ program (Resilience)
- This program teaches students positive thinking strategies and social emotional skills needed for success, behavior and wellbeing.
Zones of Regulation
- An emotional regulation program that enables students to find and utilize strategies that work for them to be prepared for learning.
- The Big Plan (Person Centered Plan for students in Upper School)
The Big Plan is a planning tool designed with the student as the focus, allowing them to plan for their own future in a way that is significant and important to them. It focuses on the student’s strengths and interests, hopes and aspirations.
- Careers – is the vocational training for a specific job field. Instead of focusing on academic subjects, a student learns about an occupation through hands-on training.
- Lower school: Theory and basic practical skills on site
- Upper school: Certificate programs and Work Place Learning positions