The Follow the Dream program is a voluntary program for high-achieving Aboriginal secondary students. It provides after school tuition, individual mentoring, enrichment excursions, support and case management to enable students to complete Year 12, enter tertiary studies, or undertake other post school training or employment.
These students are encouraged to go on to tertiary studies – university, TAFE, apprenticeships, traineeships and employment.
Participants are selected by meeting and maintaining certain criteria.
- They must average ‘C’ grades or above
- Have no more than 10% unexplained absences over the school year
- Be well-behaved and act as role models to others
Students in the Follow the Dream program are supported to take on leadership roles, both within the school and in the wider community, and apply to apply for enrichment opportunities at
state and national levels.
To apply please contact Ms Gaynor Manning (Follow the Dream Coordinator)
Telephone: 9294 6100